Ram Sale Results
35th Annual On Property Ram Sale - Monday 26th of September, 2022
I am still utterly speechless from Monday! Here is the Weekly Times write up plus our new Christmas card family photo!!!
All 80 sold to a top of $10,500 twice and averaged $4,569. This is up on $2,000 from last year. We even sold another 4 out the back after the sale. It is utterly amazing and I really need to thank all of you, our wonderful clients. It's been a bit stressful lately with the rain but we persisted and we have had a fantastic result. Thank you to the underbidders, we still have a few rams to go if you need them. It was great to meet some new clients and of course catch up with the long term ones.
34th Annual On Property Ram Sale - Monday 27th of September, 2021
What a cracking sale we had on the 27th! We sold 84 out of 94 rams to a top of $12,000 (lot 2) and an average of $2,700. Thank you to all of our valued existing and new clients!
It was lovely to see some old and new faces around the shed. It has been two years since we have experienced the on property sale and it was nice to catch up.
For the full run down you can view the Stock and Land article here: Toland Dual Purpose Rams Hit 12000